


Baciginal Rapid

14 cápsulas

BACIGINAL® RAPID vaginal capsules

INDICATIONS: BACIGINAL® RAPID is a medical device indicated in the treatment, prevention and prophylaxis of recurrences of bacterial and mycotic uro-vaginal infections. BACIGINAL® RAPID is indicated in all cases of temporary alteration of uro-vaginal microbial equilibrium, it facilitates the restoration of physiological vaginal conditions by counteracting the growth of harmful microorganisms responsible for nonspecific vaginitis and vaginosis.

INGREDIENTS: Each vaginal capsule contains: maltodextrin, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, magnesium salt of fatty acids, silicon dioxide.

USAGE INSTRUCTIONS: To apply in the evening before bedtime, putting yourself in the supine position and introducing a capsule deep in the vagina. To facilitate the introduction, you can moisten the capsules. We recommend taking one capsule daily. Do not exceed the recommended dose.


• This product is intended for vaginal use. Do not ingest the capsule;
• Do not use this medical device if you are allergic or if you suffer of hypersensitivity to any of its components;
• Considering the absence of specific studies and data, if you are pregnant or suspect you might be pregnant, and if you are simultaneously using a local application drug therapy, you should only use these vaginal capsules if advised by your physician or pharmacist;
• This medical device is not intended for pediatric use;
• Keep out of sight and reach of children;
• The prolonged use of this medical device, as with all topical products, can cause local irritation or sensibilization. If it happens, stop the treatment and seek advice with your physician or pharmacist;
• Do not use the product if, when opening the package for the first time, it’s damaged or no longer intact;
• Do not use after the shelf life printed on the carton.

SIDE EFFECTS: No side effects related to the use of the product are known or expected. The tests performed on the product to date have not shown sensitization phenomena or other side effects. In case of any persistent discomforts, seek advice with your physician.

CONTRAINDICATIONS: BACIGINAL® RAPID does not have contraindications, except in patients known to be sensitive to the components of the product.

STORAGE: Store in a dry place under 25ºC and away from humidity. The indicated shelf life refers to the intact and well-preserved product.
